These easy no-sew Harry Potter Felt Ties are a must for any wizard themed party! A quick and easy way to sort everyone into the right house and giving them an adorable party favor. All you need is fabric glue, felt, and hair clips!
Looking for more fun HP inspired fun? Be sure to check out my Slytherin Dinner Party and DIY Harry Potter Photo Booth!

One of the first items we ordered when my son chose Harry Potter as his Halloween costume was the tie. According to him it was THE most important part. How on earth would everyone know that he was a Gryffindor if he did not sport the right colors?
Since all of the ties I could find online were $5+ a piece, I knew it was not realistic for me to buy one for all of the party guests. However, felt is extremely cheap and with a little hot glue I was able to put together 12 ties for $6.49 and in under one hour! The perfect way for all of the party guests to display their house pride.
The first thing I did was draw out a tie pattern on a piece of cardstock. Is it perfect? No, way. The good news is it did not need to be too perfect because most of the guests were only 7, and I doubt they were going to bust out their rulers.
However, I did create a template for you! Download the image below for a quick print tie template to help you create your ties. And this one IS perfect.
No printer? No problem. You can always follow the same process I did and just eyeball a drawing. OR follow these steps for a quick DIY template:
- Grab one of your kids/adult ties. Zero judgement if these are being made for adults.
- Lay it on a piece of cardstock.
- Mark the length and use it as a guide for how big to make your ties.
Easy peasy. Here are all of the other items you’ll need to get started:
- Felt: You can buy individual sheets from most hobby stores, but it will be much cheaper to browse the fabric section and have them cut you 1/4 to 1/2 yard. You will need deep red, yellow/gold, dark green, gray/silver, dark blue.
- Fabric Glue: We used Aleen’s Fabric Fusion (affiliate) and it worked amazing with all of the little kids really giving these the true test.
- Ruler: This is optional. We actually didn’t worry too much about how straight our lines were and they still turned out great. But for a more structured look a ruler will come in handy.
- Fabric Scissors: Felt is THICK. It is so handy, and will save you some serious hand pain, if you use quality scissors. I’m a BIG fan of Singer Scissors (affiliate). They sliced through the fabric like butter.
- Hair Clips: Silver snap clips (affiliate) work well for little kiddos. But for adults we opted for Curling Clips (affiliate). Both are handy and relatively inexpensive. You might even be able to find them at the dollar store!
- Hot Glue Gun: While fabric glue works amazing for the tie assembly. hot glue will hold the clips in place better.
- Harry Potter wands: It’s not a party without the wands! These wands were literally FOUGHT over at the party. By the ADULTS. I still have people beg me to make them one.
- The FULL Harry Potter Party: Check out how it turned out!
- Harry Potter Photo Shoot: You know I couldn’t resist. Check this post for some great pose ideas for your little wizard.
- How to Make a Balloon Arch
- Hagrid Birthday Cake Recipe
- Butterbeer Cupcakes
- 2-Ingredient Butterbeer Fudge
- Adult Butterbeer Cocktail
- Frozen Butterbeer
We decided that the best way for everyone to get a tie (and not fight over the best ones) was to write down each house name on a small piece of paper. We placed them into a cup. When everyone arrived at the party I had the guests form a line and they chose their house and wands. One little girl ,who came in full costume as Hermione Granger, was ecstatic when she picked Gryffindor.
It was meant to be.
- Print or draw out your template.
- Cut out each tie base.
- Cut strips, some thin some thicker, of coordinating color stripes.
- Glue with fabric glue across the base.
- Allow to try completely and trim the edges if needed.
- Using hot glue, secure the hair clip on the back towards the top of the tie.
Comments & Reviews
Durba says
I made this tie but with a cardboard template inside – yellow felt and black ribbbon – for a Hufflepuff fan.
It turned out great. Thanks for this amazing no-sew idea.
Jesseca says
Hi Durba. I love the idea of using ribbon and a cardboard support. I’m so glad this worked out for you.
ΜΑΡΙΑ says
Can you pleace tell me what kind of fabrick do we need?
Thank you!
Jesseca says
Sara says
I’m having a hard time getting the felt to stick (even using fabric fusion). Any tips?
Jesseca says
Have you tried a hot glue gun?
Nicole Tschappat says
This was great, thank you! I made the ties for my students and they were a hit!
Jesseca says
I love to hear that! Thanks for giving this tutorial a try and for taking the time to comment.
Mar Marshall says
My daughter is getting married June/19..and her theme is Harry Potter. After seeing your tutorial on the ties I was thinking I could incorporate the ties into a game.. this is an excellent idea of making ties. You are so smart !!! Any more ideas
Thanx Marlene
Fara says
Hi, very cute ideas. I am wondering though if there is a pattern for the ties?
Jesseca says
Hello Fara,
First, thanks for visiting my site! Always happy to have a fellow Harry Potter fan stop by. I don’t have a pattern. I free hand drew the ties onto card stock. However, I’d be happy to create a pattern if it’s something everyone needs. Give me a few days and I’ll upload it here!
Betsy says
I would love a copy of the tie pattern as well! This is such a cute idea!!
Katie says
Hi! Any chance you uploaded that template for the ties? If i try to free hand, it will be horrible… and this is an adult party I’m throwing! Thanks!
Allie says
I’m so thankful for this tutorial, it’s exactly what I need for my budget party!
Do you happen to have a rough estimate of how many sheets of each color you bought?
Thanks again!
Jesseca says
Unfortunately, I can’t remember. I think we purchased five in each color.
Michelle says
How did you purchase individual colors? All I see are assorted packs with only one of the deep red sheets :/
Michelle says
I’m looking on amazon. They don’t have the deep red at my locate craft store.
Jesseca says
Jesseca says
Hi Michelle,
Check a local craft or fabric store. You can find individual colors at Joann’s or Michael’s.
Michelle says
Thanks! I was thinking they needed to be made from the thicker felt sheets. But this makes it much easier to find!
Adrianne says
I bought 5 felt sheets of each color and I’m working on figuring out how many I can cut out from each sheet. I’m planning on at least 20 kids for my daughters party. I hope that kinda helps. I do have the sorting hat as well in hopes that it’ll help with the disruption of the ties
jenny says
How big do they need to be for an 10 year old